Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wed AM: Coyote plus.

Some smoke lingering at 6:30 this morning when I put the fifth half-cup of Filipino coffee in the sapling where the trail starts and started winding my way to the tree. I saw a coyote briefly silhouetted up the pipeline but didn't bother to look at him through the scope. I'm not interested in coyotes. A little rattle, or actually a medium one, before treeing up at 6:40. Nothing around.

Scrapes worked as usual. Instead of deer I got a nice little blondish coyote zig-zagging through my side of the tall grass pasture trying to bluff up a rabbit, then another big gray one across the field. Other than that the 8th hunt went by like watching paint. Teaching this afternoon and evening but will gear up again tomorrow. The last smoke from the smoldering burn piles will be gone by then. Sooner or later I'll match up. Most years start just like this. Lotta tree time, not many deer. I'm hunting well and seeing everything within view. Gotten comfortable in the tree. They're around.

9th hunt tomorrow morning. Filipino coffee and early light in the field.

Stomped down some mid-pasture weeds to clear the view toward the scrapes in the center. Cams all across the creek.


  1. I consider coyotes like you do raccoons. If you start seeing them all the time they need to be culled back.

    Good luck on the rest of deer season.


  2. Not saying anything but I too would be mindful of the songdog population. You're seeing them in the cameras. You're seeing them on the ground. That could be one reason that you're not seeing so many deer. If the dogs scare the does off the bucks will follow.

  3. Patience IS a virtue- Hang in there Robert!
