Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tyler Independent School Bus Driving

Every morning for the past two weeks I am out the door a little before 6AM to go hunt. My route takes me past the TISD Bus Barn behind the administration building. If I'm on the late side, I get mixed in with the school busses.
Keep in mind, these are big, long, yellow-dog school busses. Also keep in mind that I am NOT in a hurry, driving at or below the posted limit sipping coffee and trying to stay in sync with the traffic signals.
Not so, the TISD busses. They speed. They tailgate. They flip lanes like a skateboarder on meth. Yesterday one pulled up behind traffic next to me at about 2X the posted limit and flashed his lights to clear the lane like a 580SL on the Autobahn. I try to stay ahead of them when possible, or let them clear through but they seem to ignore yellow lights at intersections and bust reds with impunity. Just because you make the light doesn't mean they won't be right behind you.
It's not one or two, it can be six or more at the same time, racing out the highway, passing on the painted median, hurtling out the highway toward their routes.
I'm sure this is safe, professional bus technique, because they are all doing it right in front of the administration building, but it's pretty sporty inside a herd of these monsters.


  1. I hate people driving badly, especially when they are driving bigger vehicles than mine. I especially hate it when they do it in school buses which by law have right of way over any vehicle in the state, including an ambulance.

    Its a jungle out there.........

  2. Gulp... I'd be ducking for cover, law of gross tonnage applies Robert!
