Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday AM: Working Rifle

Ruger #1 in 7X57 w/Leupold 3-9x

This is my only scoped deer rifle. I think of it as a working gun. It's probably killed 30 deer over the years, both mine and my guests. Few more to go.

Just this season it's been up and down various trees 20-30 times, in the brush, the back of the 4-runner, slung and carried across streams, down trails, laid aside while I rattled deer. It's gotten dirty and every year it picks up a few little bumps and bruises while I climb in and out of stands. Comes with the territory.

I've got some terrible sock camo for it, ("snakeskin" I think), but it makes it easier to hide behind. Single shot shooting 130gr Sierra Gameking handloads with 44 Varget. I've shot it at targets from 100 to 500 yards. It shoots a nice group at 500 with 100grn Matchkings.

Five shots in a wallet on the sling.

Cooler morning this AM. Thought it might move the deer but only a big gray coyote flashed around in the far corner of the field. Kept expecting to see one of the big three bucks floating his antlers over the tall grass while scanning for does.

Keep hunting. Maybe I'll add up the hours while I'm on the stand.....this afternoon. I've hunted every day since rifle season opened, usually twice a day.

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