Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday AM

Checking the scrape in the grass just past the cam.

Little buck with tight horns. This must be his place.

Looks bigger from the side.

Rain coming in this evening and Monday morning. Big temperature drop. So much for hunting in 70 degree weather. Maybe it will stir up the deer. It will certainly reset all the sign, (tracks) and bring down the leaves. Going to be a different season in 24 hours.

I've got a lecture this afternoon at the museum and then going to watch Dallas and Green Bay. If the weather is bad Monday morning I'm taking that off as well. I've hunted eight straight mornings. Will pick up Tuesday Morning.

Drifted in plenty early and sat in my chair watching the far bank. It's a real core area over there, full little cedars with rubs from this season. Scrape on one end, probably another within 100 yards. Thick cover behind and uphill. Water below. Perfect big buck habitat.

Rattled at 7:00 sharp just in good light. I paused at 7:03 and decided to pump a little spray, then went back to rattling intending to go to about 7:06. A buck snorted and ran across the way, continuing to snort back in the cover. He'd been very close and come right to the rattle silently. I don't THINK he could see me. Might have been the spray pump. Air very still.

Not another sign until I left at 10:15. Crossed over and swapped cards clipping a few branches coming and going.

1 comment:

  1. The little buck with the diamond shaped rack looks almost under nourished. Hard to tell from the photo but I'm not sure you cant clearly see his hip bones which would be a big no no this time of year. He should be putting on fat now not losing muscle mass. I'm guessing about 2-1/2 years old max probably 1-1/2 year old deer. Would be fun to see Bambi's daddy though.
