Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday AM

  Another gorgeous morning of nothing.  Footprint still in the scrape this morning.  Nothing on the cam.  For the first time there is a little push of air from the NE.  Just a drift.

  Third cup of Filipino coffee and I have spilled all three opening up the back and getting into my Swiss coveralls.  Maybe I could buy coffee by the shot.

  I'm set.  Righthand shot, lefthand shot.  Power set on the scope.  Safety on.  Got all the moves rehearsed depending on which direction a deer appears from.  If at first glance it doesn't have a  REALLY big rack, I just watch.

  Not sure if I can really see the scrapes in center field as well as I hoped.  Maybe.  Probably.  Lotta tall grass.  

  Teaching this evening but rattling in the Tuesday AM to get a little more interactive.  We'll see who's around.


  1. sounds like you RE DOING lot of tree hugging.. hopefully the year gets better. i know mine is set up deer cam yesterday and had beautiful 8 pt on it today. gonna go hunting tomorrow evening for first time this yr.

  2. Ghost deers apparently. Use ghost rounds.

  3. If you're even thinking about doing coffee in shots we need to talk! Sips maybe, shots not.

    Hope you're wearing your safety belt/harness.
