Friday, November 6, 2009

Honorary Texan of the Day: How Crazy is THIS?

A little woman overcame a taller, stronger, heavier, mass-murdering man. Oh, she had a GUN? Think the gun made a difference? Couldn't she have reasoned with him? Stayed out of his way? Set up the perimeter? Waited for backup?

Sheesh, for some reason she went right in after him and shot his jihadist ass four times!

Honorary Texan of the Day: That crazy little lightweight traffic cop, Sgt Kimberly Munley!

Update: So, is the O-man going to jump on Airforce One and make a little run to visit the troops? Aren't these his guys? Isn't he CIC? Isn't this the biggest terrorist attack since 911? Doesn't he care? It's a little farther than date night in NY or a press run to Dover to look at the stiffs rolling off the plane but that just means they serve the waygu steaks instead of shrimp cocktail in the front section doesn't it? You know, appear with General Bob Cone, press some flesh, inspect the troops, give 'em a little bit of the old community organizer and drop by the hospital to lay a fresh box of .40 cal on Kimberly?
Bush would. Any Red-blooded American leader would. Any guy's guy would.
I'm going to sit in a tree tomorrow and watch the treeline for deer. Let's see if the One makes a move.


  1. Agreed, we'll be at the blog shoot, and yeah, I'm waiting too...

  2. It won't happen, you will see more deer than Commanders in Chief, Obama doesn't understand his role there at all - if he gets to be King he will get that taken off his plate - Some Czar of Cossack Warrior Cult will handle the CiC role.

    I have to agree about that little lady, but she needs a forty-five, really she can do better with it.

  3. Laying another box of .40 cal on her would be really good. I wish George W would've done stuff like that. Excellent idea. I dont know if you heard or not but she busted four rounds into the guy after being hit by at least one of his pistol rounds. Dang that gal is tuff!! She hit him four times from the floor! Never give up.

  4. W and Laura already went and visited Ft Hood
