Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Get your popcorn ready.

Videos up for this last weekends Garand Match at The Terrell Rifle and Pistol Club, the TSRA Service Rifle Championship at Camp Swift, the Service Rifle Awards, (worth watching), Infantry Team Trophy at Camp Swift, the EIC/LEG Match, (biggest in the country outside the National Matches at Camp Perry), at Camp Swift: all up.

One the Blackfork6 Channel on the bottom of the side bar.

A little side note: Couple of years ago I was swearing over the idiocy of most shooting videos on Youtube. When I saw THIS VIDEO I decided that I was going to put up an alternative. These videos are part of what I am doing to promote shooting sports and the 2nd Amendment. I'm also pumping out photos to the NRA, CMP and the Texas State Rifle Association.

We all need to be activists at some level. Don't be a freeloader. None of us can do everything but all of us can do something. Your rights and freedoms depend on your actions.

Update: I'm not just sitting around with my feet up throwing cards into a hat. The PISTOL video is up.

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