Thursday, October 1, 2009

TSRA Calendar is out.

Lemat photo NOT in the calendar.

TSRA calendar out and being mailed around. The office calls it their "little money maker." Hope so. Lisa Kalmus at the Sanders Corps of Cadet Center at Texas A&M was invaluable.

I always suggest they print enough to stick one in every Texas legislators box, both friend and foe. Every year the office agrees that's a hell of an idea, but once again it didn't get done.

No Lemats. Maybe next year, if the Lord lets us live. May not get the opportunity. If I do, we are going back to Lisa's place and making a better video. Dr. Sneed says he will play the cello while I make photos.

Buy 'em HERE and do your part. the TSRA certainly has done its part for Texans, both gun owners and sheeple.


  1. Boy, that TSRA website sure is busy!

    I went to the "store" link, but all they have are hats. This New Mexican might display a Texas calendar but it shouldn't be so hard to find them on the website.

  2. Lovin' that Lemat!

    Thanks for the reminder. I need to renew my membership, ASAP.

  3. hmmm... Don't see it on the site. I thought you had to be a member to get it. But I could be wrong.

    Jerry, As much as I love the TSRA, their web presence is horrible. It’s a volunteer organization that doesn't waste money on frivolity. But the site could be a tidge better.

    Blackfork, The calendar is excellent! Well done. I enjoyed telling my wife, "Yeah... that's Blackfork. The one you see in the Gun Nuts Chat room."

    Wife: "OH HIM! He's cool!"

  4. Done :-) Guess that is the ONLY way I'll get any of your photos :-)
