Sunday, October 4, 2009


We could generate hydro-electricity in the creek outside. Raining like we are growing corn. Yesterday at the club championship at Panola we never saw a drop, though the roads were wet as I drove back to the east.
Panola went OK, though I shot a so-so score of 774X25. One eight and two sevens. If you don't shoot outside the nine ring, you can win the match. I didn't and I didn't. Michael Carter shot a 794 and repeated as champ.
Cleaning brass. I was suspicious that the guy next door was picking up my cases but I got home with 79 out of 88. Not bad. They are cleaned, sized, trimmed, beveled and champfered and ready for another cleaning.
Loading other cases a minute ago I was trimming a cleaned sized and primer pocketed piece of brass when a couple grains of cleaning media fell out of it when I tapped it on the tabletop. The more I tapped, the more I got. It was a slighlty discolored case from the grass on one of my firing points that turned out to have a good bit of media in it along with a silk capsule from a spider or worm. It had made it through tumbling, reaming out the inside of the primer hole and trimming. I tossed it, as I toss any case that gives me a moments trouble. I bet a big wad of web and media would make the powder overflow so I would have caught it then.
Still. I blame Bush. For the rain and reloading glitches.


  1. We used to joke about the "grass gods". I always seemed to leave an offering of a round or two. Maybe it was that joker on the next target.....

  2. Appropriate to blame Repubs for ammo problems. If it were up to the Dems you wouldnt have any ammo problems.
