Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First Amendment

I'm furious that the White House thinks they have the power OR any business defining who is a news organization and who isn't. When this came up, if I had been in the reporting pool I would have walked out. Of course, nobody DID.

People fought and died for this right and these.......fools and criminals think they can just dismiss it with a sweep of their hand?

Who do these folks THINK they are?

Crickets, of course, from the mainstream media. Just wait until someone comes for THEM.

This is positively and unmistakeably wrong. This is an impeachable offense. Anyone signing on should be fired on the spot.


  1. Limbaugh was calling the reporters stenographers this a.m. Absolutely right on.

    Each morning brings scarier & scarier news & the people who supported Obama either turn their backs to the truth, like a cat caught doing something stupid, or cheer that our rights are being stolen (and stolen doesn't seem a harsh enough word), stupidly assuming this doesn't mean their rights. That said, I will have no sympathy for them when the shit hits the fan. None. I am angry at the folks I know who put this man and his cronies in the White House.

  2. Well, they'er not actually preventing Fox from broadcasting (which would be a 1A violation).

    That said, you're right that this is trampling the spirit of the amendment. Of course, why should they respect the 1A any more than they respect the 2A (or the 4A, etc)

    Hopefully what's left of the press will be out of business in a couple years. Good riddance.

  3. A recurring comment from Mike Vanderboegh (Sipsey Street Irregulars) is that if the rights and laws being trampled on don't protect US, then in equal measure the tramplers will find out that those same laws and rights no longer protect THEM.

    B Woodman

  4. You think newspeople have it bad. How would you like to be one of the presidents of the big 8 banks who were told by the feds that they "have to" take bailout money, were told when they would be allowed to pay it back and now are told they will no longer be able to set the salaries of their top executives. Betrayed sounds a little mild to me.

  5. I've actually heard a couple pieces criticizing the Obama administration on this on NPR, and the other news networks have also made their opinion known:

    The 4 other members of the network pool all refused to interview Feinberg if Fox News was not included.
