Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scooped! By a ministers daughter and a geek with a video camera.

Heck, we had nearly the same thing at the HS Precision booth at the NRA convention, only his batteries were dead or something.

This is looking like the future to me. Wire around the main stream media and it.

There certainly is a lot of low-hanging fruit from corrupt pols, lazy policemen, stupid criminals, inept bureaucrats......and the most pitiful federal administration evah.


  1. You know I wasnt involved at all or I wouldve demanded a free sample or a business card or something to prove they were who they say they were. The girl is way too good looking to be no lady of the evening dontcha know. I could go on but why bother, we all know this will all be quietly buried six weeks from now in the 'healthcare' circus the old media will gen up for their democratic party masters.
