Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oh please....

So Republican and South Carolinian Joe Wilson, (NOT the one married to Valarie Plame, while we are talking about liars), is overcome by a bolus of prevarication by the Big O and blurts out: "you lie!"

Well. You get the stupid party and the evil party together and you don't think someone is going to speak truth to power?

And spare me high dudgeon about breaking civility like a loaf of stale bread. The dems booed Bush during the State of the Union. "Bush lied, people died", instead of "in God we trust", is probably going to be on the next nickel out of the mint. The politeness ship hasn't just sailed, it sailed and sunk with no survivors.

Maybe Congressman Wilson has tourettes and needs a handicapped parking space instead of censure. After all, if the TV audience had been able to hear him, 52% would have said "damn straight!"

The president hardly has a complaint. Being a liar is just part of the toolkit for corrupt politicians from Chicago. How do you think he got this job? Or any other jobs on the short way up?

Chickens coming home to roost.

Quite a speech. We don't want to let fear mongers drive us, but oh by the way if this doesn't pass everyone will die. There's 30 million uninsured. Last week there were 46 million, but never mind. It won't cost a dime. The government will run it like a business, after they run all the businesses out of business.

And the biggest lie: Trust us!

The best thing about a joint session of congress and the President speaking is that you can see the 600 people who ruined the country and want to ruin it more and forever. Seems like such a small group wouldn't be able to do so much damage but there they are, the damn liars.

Update: And also, you suck.


  1. Earlier his website:

    Was offline.

    I couldn't even call in to tell him what a wuss he is for apologizing!

    Republicans! Their only minor League Democrats anymore.
