Sunday, August 16, 2009

National Match photos


Billy Atkins and Daniel Atkins after the Springfield M1A match.

Robert Vangene, Minnesotan

National Civilian Team onstage at the awards. Ken Gaby and Dick Curry are the coaches since the TSRA Team won. Rick Crawford standing next to them.

The Texas State Rifle Association National Match Team, 2009

TRSA Junior Team member Ben Wright firing on Team Day. Coach Stan Jaroz is behind him.

Wallace McDaniel his ownself.

Ben Wright and R.Lee Ermey

The last pair standing, Keith Stephens on the left and Justin Utley on the right at 200 yardline on Team day. Dick Curry is standing and Ken Gaby sitting.

This won't do. This non posting of photos from the National Matches. Next year I'll have to take a notebook mac up and download as I shoot along. I understand.

And no, I don't have a photo of Julie Coggshall, though there should be some around. I was eating!

Movies coming, including one on how to set up your paster box.

I need to thank my unwitting host, Springfield Armory on Commercial Row for letting me blog from the computers they bring so that folks can go online during the matches. They also broadcast a wifi field, along with popcorn and gatorade. Now they just need pens to steal. Great hosts.

Update: many more photos here, including Julie Coggshall shooting long range.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I looked just for the pictures of Julie of course. Gosh the pictures of the awards ceremony were incomplete except for one of G. David winning what looked like a flat top Ar-15 match rifle and laughing about it. Hmmm. You think he knows how to operate it? Will he have to take it apart and completely re-engineer it to his specs? Everyone looked like they were having fun except for Jon at the Any Any match. Good job. Cant wait for the youtube videos.
