Friday, August 28, 2009

Ghosts in Suburbia

The redhead and I have a friend who lives in a fairly new modern house with her dog, children and husband here in Tyler.
They are convinced the house is haunted.
The dog (a little Chihuahua), stares at corners and closed doors and barks at darkened rooms. The youngest kid talks about "the children" who follow her around. The husband and wife have both seen young children crossing the room or going down the hall. Several times one of them has asked the other if the kids are back in bed yet when the kids ARE in bed because they saw them wandering. It's gotten routine.
This sounds a little nuts. On the other hand, I've spent a time at Shiprock and have personal experiences that don't have rational explanations, so you never know. They are not church people but the adults are asking around trying to find someone to....make this stop.


  1. I'd recommend getting LDS missionaries to help or barring them, contacting the Bishop of a local LDS ward or branch.

  2. I would make an appointment with the priest at the closest Roman Catholic Parish and tell him what was going on and ask him to bless the house. Since they are not "Church People" I would not recommend DIY.

  3. ...However, it wouldn't hurt to pray...

  4. Tell them they're not supposed to be here any more, and to leave.

  5. Tell them to try talking to them. Otherwise, if it's been routine, perhaps they can live with them?

  6. It's a very big, sometimes very weird universe out there
