Monday, July 13, 2009

Today we lost the Iraq war.

You won't see this in the mainstream media anywhere but its a huge story. The Iranian Quds force is going home as heros with lots of combat experience and American scalps. They'll be back.

They were the whole war the last couple of years.

Obama just threw away six years of war, all those lost American lives and treasure and the blood of many Iraqis. The Iranians won't quit. They'll be back. The big killers in Iraq the last couple of years have been these few hundred folks with their made-in-Iran shape-charge IEDs and sniper teams.

Obama didn't want them in Gitmo. These folks should have been hung, not sent home as heroes to the enemy.


  1. hung, and THEN sent back to Iran in a tub of lard.

    I suppose that's asking for too much....

  2. Hanged.
    Pictures are hung, John C. Holmes was (well) hung, but criminals are hanged.
