Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Michael Jackson's kids

You want to know how weird MJ was? Especially now that he is being hailed as a civil rights figure, a hero, a visionary.
His kids at the funeral appeared without the masks, hoods, and veils that he buried them in while out in public. And they look normal. If what MJ was doing was a good idea- disguising the kids...why drop it at his funeral, first rattle out of the box?
Even his family thought he was nuts.


  1. I haven't watched much of the coverage - mainly just the little bits on the news that I couldn't change the channel quick enough to avoid seeing :)

    I thought his kids seemed pretty normal too, at least from what I could see. I would think that, if they are just normal kids, that would be a tick mark in his favor as a parent - wouldn't it?

    Maybe keeping them out of the limelight of the press and paparazzi was a good idea - even if he did it in an odd way with the masks/veils and all. Doesn't seem to have harmed them any, and they obviously seem to have loved their Dad - odd egg that he was.

    I don't envy them having to go through the feeding frenzy that's sure to follow his passing.

  2. I can think of one reason off the top of my head. Remember Charles Lindberghs baby? Famous dad, lots of pictures in the press, easy to identify, easier to kidnap.

    Another reason might be, assuming he actually was their father, the hereditary pigmentation disorder which was supposedly aggravated by the UV rays in sunlight.

    Truth is we dont really know but I have a feeling we will learn in the future when the autopsy reports are made public. Revisionist historians notwithstanding this guy was a six pack short of a case.
