Friday, July 24, 2009

The Luckiest Gate in America.

What is this? Gate's gate? Whatever it is one thing is for certain: Dr. Henry Louis Gates is a lucky, lucky guy. 58 years as a black man in American and NEVER arrested? That's a burden to bear for a talented and connected guy. How many nights did he lay in bed dreading some student in the back of his History of Diversity Selection and Intergenerational Transitioning from Slavery in the Economics of the Old South Class at Harvard was going to accuse him of "acting white?" His doctorate isn't Aerospace Engineering...its something intellectual and frivolous enough to get a chair at Harvard. So you GOTTA have a rep. His life was slipping away and the only barrier left to throw yourself on in the name of race relations was the lack of white running backs in the NFL.

So what's a brother got to do in the new millennium to get some street cred? Shoot endless rounds of hoops like Barack? It's not like a Harvard PhD. is going to get asked to rap with Snoop Dogg. Oprah? Like that's going to help.

He's probably been shortchanging bus drivers, stiffing waitresses, tearing up parking garage tickets and making mean faces at mall cops for years TRYING to get busted. Finally, it HAPPENED. Thank you, Jesus.

Too bad they didn't taze or truncheon him so he could make a poster of his mug shot to plaster all over the Cambridge yards: Bloody, but Unbowed! He will have to make do with what he got. Shackled by the po-lice. In chains. Like a slave. No. Like an ANIMAL in Bush's Amerikka! If they had held him a little longer he could have organized the brothers in the holding tank with some liberation theology. If only!

The next time he walks into his lecture auditorium he won't have to worry about some affirmative action scholarship snickering about "uncle tom." No, he'll get a screaming stomping standing ovation! He's been ground under the heel of jackbooted thugs sent by The Man! His fifteen minutes is ON and he's a righteous victim of official repression! The president said so! Let the light shine!

Free at LAST, free at last!

I'm thinking Denzel for the movie, with Beyonce and Chris Rock as Obama and Michelle. Hellen Mirren can play the racist neighbor. The policeman...maybe shave Dogg the Bounty Hunter. Shaq can play the black cop in a breakout role.

Just one mild suggestion doc: next time you are down for the struggle it's best to wear something besides a polo shirt and tasseled loafers.

Update: The vicious racist Mark Steyn signs on.


  1. Good stuff :)

    Listening to the radio today, I heard part of an interview that the Officer gave describing his account of what happened. He mentioned that he had to step outside to talk on the radio with his dispatch, because Gates was screaming and yelling at him so loudly he couldn't communicate.

    I know most police dispatch centers record all radio and telephone traffic. I sure would like to hear what the sophisticated and educated Mr. Gates sounded like when he thought it was just him and the Policeman listening.

  2. Yet another liberal bully in academia who in this case just happens to be black and a friend of the Prez....

    I hope they release the tapes, should be entertaining.

  3. They'll probably have to sue to get the tapes released. I heard today on another blog (I don't remember wich one) that the mayor was refusing Freedom of Information requests. Good post, Robert, you've outdone yourself on this one.

  4. Just making fun. What a wacky world.

  5. BTW I read that the Governor of Massachusetts had also come out on the side of the liberal Mr. Gates and against the police calling it every black mans nightmare. No suprise. His career is not markedly different from that of our dear leader B. Hussein Obama. Here is what wikipedia has on the governor of Mass. Deval Patrick, also black, who made a pretty good living out of racial profiling and was a community organizer, deputy U.S. Attorney and in charge of the racial crimes of burning southern black churches which before 911 was the largest investigation ever launched by the U.S. Justice department and was a Clinton administration show.

  6. I am crying with laughter. You nailed it.

  7. OMG, they got another Ward Churchill. Who will get screaming adoration from the brainwashed gummint idiotcated students next semester that will be tripping all over themselves to sign up for his what again???...

    This will start all over again this fall, just like H1N1, I would rather get the pig flu.
