Thursday, July 23, 2009

Local Muslim leader and police chaplain...smoking dope.

Muslim spokesman at all Tyler interdemoninational events, (because the local iman can't sit at a table with Christian ministers), award-winning homebuilder, leader of the movement against alcohol sales, police chaplain. Great seems. Busted for smoking pot in the parking lot of an Embassy Suites hotel in Frisco, Texas.

Wonder who he was meeting in that hotel? Builders? Bombers? A girl?

We have a big and important mosque and Islamic school here in Tyler. This man is a major part of that mosque. The Saudis have financed places like this all over the country, though when asked directly, Anwar Khalifa sidestepped the question about whether Saudi money built the Tyler mosque.

Just for the record: I think drug use ought to be legal. If human beings want to get unconscious it ought to be their call, don't you think?

We live in interesting times.

Update: OK, OK. It IS the religion of peace. Light up the doobie and be....peaceful.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe he can claim it's a religious sacrament. (snicker)
    After all, as much as they're against alcohol, they have to have SOMETHING to relax with.

    And as for the alcohol = MJ, sure, treat them the same, with the same restrictions (not while driving, on the job, etc).

    B Woodman
