Friday, July 3, 2009

Daily Deercam

  Younger town doe stretching it out.  She's eating good clean whole corn now.

  Stranger that walked through for two shots.  Might be an OK buck.  Look at the butt on that animal!

  Twins looking forky.

  Spots.  This doe and fawn have been seen a lot at the lake.

  Big mama at the lake.  This next year we will be able to take does in Smith County.  I'll be interested to see what the median age is.  I bet these are old does.  Never shot at since 1950.

  95 degrees before 11:00.  It's both a heat hot and a wet hot.  Also a hot hot and a cool not.  Any way you slice it, it's hot.
  Coon, squirrel and crow fest at all cams.  The Twins are getting bigger.  One spotted fawn by a cam at the lake.  If it wasn't too hot to trap something I would be declaring a coon war.
  Younger town doe was in sight when I drove up this morning.  They were doing tractor work and it didn't seem to bother her.  She was hanging out in the nearly dry stream bed.  Not alarmed by us at all.  She thought she had cover.  She's mostly dealt with amateurs before.  No fawns seen in town except the one in the corner of a frame last week.  Tracks abound.
  The crumbly cracked corn is gone.  Everyone getting the good stuff now.  Won't be able to check again for a day or two.  Busy weekend.

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