Sunday, July 19, 2009

Daily Bobcat

Somebody is watching from the background.

Nice big healthy kitty.

They are in the area. Still got the rabbit and the fawns.


  1. That's awesome.

    #2 Son was walking the dog to the park today, and there were two deer there. It's not like it's so built up here, but it's Boson suburbs.

    Sisn't see any bobcat, though.

  2. I live in Tyler. About five years ago I was driving north on Old Jacksonville between Grande and Rice Road about 9:00 AM an a bobcat ran across the road in front of me. I knew they were around, but I didn't know they were in town.

  3. One of the greatest (and there are many) shames of living in Houston proper is not getting to see beautiful wildlife.

    This is one of the reasons that I come to this site. Thanks.

  4. There is wildlife living in Houston. I have seen raccoons in River Oaks and Deer on Allen Parkway but the deer did appear to be lost. The raccoons were raiding trash cans. Put food out and they will come if they're in the area.
