Sunday, June 21, 2009

Don't Tread on Me.

  They are treading on the Iranians.  This is what it looks like.

  God bless the Iranians and this young lady.  And damn the guy behind the trigger, and the men who sent him.  I hope they hang, every one.


  1. What a tragedy,
    It's like a nightmare, watching our president sit on his thumbs while we could do so much good at this point in history. It reminds me too much of the Carter years. Oh yes, and I think the American press (ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, CNN) ought to be hanging right next to the Iranian killers.

  2. History in the making. . .

    B Woodman

  3. Everytime this kind of thing happens there's victums.

    Of course they're victums because none of the protestors were armed.

    I'd like to see one of these protests against tyrants with the protestors being armed. At least then it would be a fight instead of just another slaughter.

  4. Seriously, what can the USA do about this? Our liberals complained about our involvement in Iraq, so logically any direct support of the protestors or overthrowing the terrorist supporting oppressive theocrats of Iran would also be wrong. Let them tear each other apart within Iran and maybe they won't bother the rest of the world for awhile.

  5. Yes. What can be done about a theocratic, homophobic, women-suppressing corrupt dicatorial genocidal regime who is developing nuclear weapons, bankrolling terrorism and threatening to destroy Israel?

  6. "Yes. What can be done about a theocratic, homophobic, women-suppressing corrupt dicatorial genocidal regime who is developing nuclear weapons, bankrolling terrorism and threatening to destroy Israel?"

    I think we should raise taxes, socialize medicine, and consolidate all power at the federal level; more or less spend up all the nation's future money & wealth; then heavily Unionize all labor and get rid of these dang greedy companies we got infesting the country. I think that would probably do it! Yeah, we wouldn't even half to worry about Iran or Korea or anyplace else for that matter!

  7. Good to see some "sensible" blogging.. you are invited to visit,, thanks
