Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cat-cut doe.

  Here's the young doe.  Range conditions are really good.  She's in perfect shape.  I bet she is a 2-4 year old.

  Here's the older doe.

  Look at those claw-marks healing.

  The does aren't coming in together anymore.  That means they have each selected their thicket to fawn in.  Both are still in the immediate area, so I am trying to keep my presence at a minimum so they don't move/leave/relocate.  I'd like to see these fawns.  

  Usually you can ID deer from notches/bites in their ears.  These does are pretty clean except for the claw marks.

  Both still pregnant, but due date has gotta be close.

  Notice the now-healing cuts on the side of this doe.  It was really close.  Those are circular claw-cut marks.  She ran out of the embrace of a cougar.  Hope it didn't hurt the fawn.

  The younger doe was at the cam at 2:02 this afternoon.  I was at the cam at 2:25.  Her tracks were still smoking.

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