Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday paper: Three Bucks

  On Sunday mornings the redhead and I go and split an omlet and a waffle at Cafe Tazza.  We sit in the corner and sip coffee and watch the crowd.  Usually I buy a paper on the way down.  Today the price was 3.00, up from 2.00 last week.

  It's the end of newspapers.  The more they cost the less people buy.  The less people buy the more they cost.  I'm sure they still aren't making a profit even at three bucks.  

  It was pretty long as you had already read the news and could see the parts they edited out or didn't bother to tell.  If it was your only news source you would be screwed.  Bonnie and Clyde were above the fold on the front page.  Below the fold a big story on national health care, so broadly written, (they compared us to France), and so carefully exampled (one black couple, one hispanic, one woman, one gay, like a diversity mod squad) that it gave the semblance of real reportage.  Nothing about the constitutional limits of such an idea.  Not much about the disaster of having the government run more of the citizens, (ok: consumers) personal lives.  Just the usual lines of bovine by-products and the implied assumptions.

  Three bucks.  Gone in a year.  We can tell our grandchildren how it was in 2009 when 1984 came late.


  1. Agreed! most papers are ONLY suitable for fishwrap...

  2. Is the TYLER paper $3 bucks now? I haven't bought a Sunday in...well I haven’t in a real long time. I remember it was $1.75 last time I looked. Or maybe this is the Dallas or NYT. I don't read them either now.

    Well they are just pricing themselves out if existence.

  3. Dallas paper. I remember a few years ago when there were two. Dallas Morning News and the Dallas Times Herald.

  4. Good riddance. They're damaging the Republic.
