Sunday, May 3, 2009

Panola Regional and Sunday rain-out.

  Kayte Foster pulling targets.

  200 yardline during sitting rapid.  Four relays so this is a quarter of the participants.

  The 200 yardline during the first relay of the Panola NRA Regional Match.

  Overhead view.

  L-R Medalists Michael Carter (Gold, 778X32), John Rhynard, (Bronze), and Keith Stephens, (Silver, 778X28).

  Team Day on Friday had nine four-man teams.  Saturday could have squeezed in one more shooter when someone didn't show.  Panola was close to range capacity. with four relays on 16 targets.  63 shooters.  

  Sunday the rain moved in during the early morning hours and made range conditions impossible.  The EIC/LEG match was rescheduled for Sunday during the TSRA High Power Championship at Camp Swift in three weeks.  The Pistol LEG was cancelled.

  Working on videos.

Update:  Videos up!  Team day and the Saturday  NRA are online on the Blackfork6 Channel.


  1. you should have seen the rain in Little Rock. ;)

  2. That sounds suspiciously like a country western song.
