Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

  Front gate at Camp Swift, Texas.

  Best wishes and thanks to all the fallen veterans.  This morning at coffee, veteran of WWII and Korea A.C. Gentry talked a little about escorting remains home between the wars and what folks gave up.    The Dallas Morning News has a front page article today about a family who has just been notified that their son, killed on the Oklahoma, may have been found after 68 years.  My brother was killed at Bon Son in May 1968.

  It's hard to comprehend what it costs a family when they lose a member in service to the government.  Those sacrifices are generally NOT made to enable a bureacracy, establish the TSA, support a police state or grow the federal or state budgets.

  Just saying.  Thanks again to all veterans who have made the ultimate commitment to defend the country.


  1. My Father was killed in the Pacific in November 1944.

  2. That's just before Iwo Jima in April....where was he?

  3. "Those sacrifices are generally NOT made to enable a bureacracy, establish the TSA, support a police state or grow the federal or state budgets." Oh, so true. I know those were not my goals in serving.
    Lazarus Long
