Monday, April 13, 2009

National Match Registration is open.

  Yeah, Baby!

  A nice & cute CMP Standard Products M1 currently on loan to a lethal librarian we all know.
  The Civilian Marksmanship Program website has online registration up and running.  Click on the National Match Information and keep clicking.  I'm shooting Garand, Springfield and Vintage rifle matches after we finish with the Texas team stuff, along with the National EIC match, the Presidents 100 and the Hearst Doubles.  We will be shooting every day for a week.

  Garand, M1 Carbine, Springfield and Vintage matches are serious matches but full of folks who are there for the fun and experience.  You could probably show up cold, register, draw ammunition and count on someone loaning you a rifle on the line.  It's that laid back.  Probably 1000 folks will shoot each match.  Heck the G, V, S matches are all at 200 yards and they pull the target and mark it to show where you hit, plus the M1 Carbine is shot at 100.  What could be better than that?  Eagles?  Yep, they got your eagles flying around.

  While you are on the CMP site be sure and drop by the auction site and bid on an M1 Carbine.  Fun to see what they go for these days.  

  Better do it now.  Powerful career politicains want all of this to be illegal as soon as they can manage it.  They would ban it all and end the 100+year tradition of the National matches today if they could.

Update:  The auction isn't the normal rifle sales.  Those are here.

Update II: One of my biggest regrets in life is not going to the National Matches starting in about 1966.  Dad would have loved this.  I'm getting to deerhunt big deer behind his lakehouse and go shoot at Camp Perry, both things he would relished.


  1. You've got me itching to go now.

  2. Scratch it. You could catch a ride along with some Texas Team folks from Dallas and stay with the team. It's easier than you think.

  3. Alas, my travel time this year is used up by Boomershoot and the NRA convention.

  4. I wish I could go, but I'm outta the country yet again... dammit...

    And yeah, the auctions are interesting. I wish I had been smart enough to buy a few back in the late 60's when they were selling for $17.50 you pick it... sigh...

  5. I just sent in my membership application to the NYSRPA. It was something I had been meaning to do and I wish I had done it when I was still working. Hopefully, I can get an M1 Garand later on when I find a job. When I have money, I'll upgrade to lifetime membership.

  6. We see those NY teams on stage at the awards ceremony all the time up there. They have a great program.
