Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Neighbor

  Every neighborhood has a soul, (or the lack of one).  Mary helped define and enliven the soul of our neighborhood since she moved here in 1976.  It might be hard to believe but I knew her when she had nothing to do with children OR cats, but she learned to adore both.  She was a remarkable, adaptable and creative being who lived many different stages and incarnations of a human life with grace and humor.  A rare gossip who never had an unkind word about another.
  Daughter, businesswoman, wife, mother, teacher, thespian, wit, raconteur, writer, mentor, gardener, confidant, citizen and neighbor: gone this February morning.  Mary Burton, January 1914-February 2009.  I know she needed to go and the time was right, but we're going to miss her.


  1. Thank you. You showed what it is like when a neighborhood loses ones of its valuable older members.
    Lazarus Long

  2. Thoughts and prayers for the family and the neighborhood... It's always sad to lose the older ones.

  3. No one will ever take her place, she was a one of a kind.

  4. Ah, bless Mary and all who mourn her loss.

  5. such a beautiful tribute. "keep it precious"

  6. I was wishing for a nice picture of Mary, and VOILA, Debi's blog lead me to yours, with that gorgeous photo you took. It really captures everything that made her such a wonderful person. Thank you!!
    Ken Thompson
