Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bird Cam

  Just a LGB* on the wing frozen by the deercam flash.

  Other news: the Good Doctor floated another nutria with his .177 for a total of five.  Nice shooting.
  One of the hunters shot a doe at Clarksville.  Hope to hunt there before the end of Feb.  300 lb pig entered Nirvana as well.
  Up to five in the current Butler Creek coon war.  Going to move the trap I think.
  New Lyman Flash hole deburring tool in.  Wonderful.  The Sinclair is better, but 2X the cost.

*Little Gray Bird.

Update:  The Doctor makes it a six pack of death.  How many Nutrias in a lake do you think?  The obvious answer is:  Not as many as a few days ago.

Update:  Eight.  Only 500 rounds in a tin of ammo....He says the buzzards are not bothering to leave between meals.

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