Thursday, January 29, 2009


  My inner 12-year old has a hard time resisting a good butt picture.

  Gentle woodland friends.

  The owl looked like he was catching some sunlight after a couple of cloudy cold days.  Tourists only worth one eye.

  Even town squirrels remember that there is something a little suspicious about humans when they start paying too much attention to you.

  I've seen six at a time eating buds in this tree.

  The usual suspects.  The squirrels are 60 feet up in an elm tree in the side yard eating buds.  Very acrobatic, hanging from their back feet and doing lots of twig work.  They remind you that they occupy the same ecological niche as monkeys do in the tropics.

  One of the raccoons in the photo couldn't resist the trap.  He's on the buzzard pile now.  (I guess you could say he got suppressed.)  Pileated Woodpecker in the woods, Horned owls.  Usually something to see.  The local rancher says there is a herd of about 8-9 does up on the north end of his pasture.


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