Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mary's Birthday

  More owl photos.

  Winter storm warning.  Flat sky and the air has an expectant feeling.  Townsfolks are hustling around stocking up and keeping an ear to the radio for sleet, freezing rain and school closures.
  The woods have every color of brown and grey in the planet's palate.  Nothing across the creek and nothing on the near cam.  Just coons, smart enough to stay out of my trap.  There was a HUGE deer track, solitary, in the center of the field.  You couldn't tell where he was going, but big.
  Corn sack is empty.
  One of the Screech Owls appeared in their nest hole around the corner.  We watched them all summer as the young ones grew up.  They were usually out one window or another at Mary's house.  Kept her sitters alert.
  Tomorrow is Mary Burtons 95th birthday.  She hoped she wouldn't make it, back when she is talking.  She'll hold your hand a bit now, kind of look at you and move her lips, then drift off.  Not much left to be said.
  Owls are the harbinger of death for many cultures.  Maybe he is just here for her birthday but either way, we are just about done. 


  1. Absolutely gorgeous photo and a lovely post to match. I hope Mary has peace with her birthday, wherever she is.

    This post reminded me of a story from second grade - I Heard The Owl Call My Name.

    Somber, but lovely.

  2. I thought about this - the owl/death thing - when Michael & I stopped to check out Mr. Owl. There was a dog at the foot of the tree, barking like mad at us, but the owl could not have cared less. Just blinked at us as if to say he thought the dog was just silly & noisy. I told my mother about Mary's small "rally" yesterday - yes, she said, her father did the same. Even got up from his deathbed, mind you, strutted about a bit, had a drink. Later that night, he was gone.


  3. Ahem. I know of certain North Texas owls who may be harbingers of their own deaths if they keep messing up my deerstands with their nesting, resting and digesting activities.

    Nevertheless I would never bother the owl in the picture having been by the tree and had it pointed out to me. I wonder how many things like that people pass by everyday without noticing?

  4. I'm here from Debi's blog. Pleased to meet you. I too live in Tyler. I wondered if we had those owls. Thought about getting a house for them. I've only lived here for close to four years, so wasn't sure. But I've certified my yard (garden home) as a natural wildlife habitat.
