Monday, January 5, 2009

Late Trap Trip

 Raining and cold all day.  The creek was up and crossing problematical.  When the rain quit I put on some boots and headed into the bottom.

  The big owls were calling and the light falling.  Water was up and talking but I got across.  

 In the trap a big block-headed male possum was hissing and gaping.  I consider marsupials non-combatants so I leaned the rifle on a wet tree and opened the trap on both ends.  I also consider marsupials back-of-the-classroom idiots so he clung to his position on top of the trigger plate regardless of threats.  I pulled the cam card and gave him a minute to....THINK.

  But he didn't.  

  Finally shook him out.  I tried to back him out of the trap area with corn bucket-fu.  He responded by biting the bucket a few times.  It was like backing up a turtle.

  I hope he didn't go right back in the reset trap though they have done that move before.  On  the cam, a solitary coon watched the off-cam trap.  I deleted all the idiocy, picked up my wet rifle and headed off into a steady rain.

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