Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gifts of the Eternally Stupid.

  This guy should be fired.  His staff should be fired.  Anyone who appeared within 100 feet of him during this announcement ought to be fired.  Whoever hired him (Bloomberg) ought to be fired.  Their offices ought to be razed and the ground salted.    Guys like Ray Kelly who inexplicably find themselves in positions of power ought to be sacked.  Now.  Period.

  Remember Flight 93?  Flight 93 happened because folks on cellphones spread the news of what was happening on 9/11 and saved the White House.  We actually don't NEED Homeland Security, (which does nothing but burn amendments to the Constitution and money) as long as citizens have cellphones.

  In an emergency, especially a terror attack, ( Even at Columbine and the Virginia Tech shootings.), citizens need to be about to communicate, since the police and state will be as useless and hidebound as ever.

  Dumber than the drug war, this is.


  1. Back before we went into Iraq & even a bit after we first got there, CSPAN or some such station would broadcast Baghdad TV during evening hours - with a translation, of course. There is one particular broadcast I remember vividly - the "newsanchor" was requesting that all cell phones be turned in - they were illegal, he said, you weren't supposed to have them, but people did, and he said the enemy (that would be us) would use those phones to find stuff out, track folks down, or something ridiculous. He was urging kids to turn in their parents if need be, promising that nothing bad would happen to the parents, but that absolutely the government needed to have everyone's phones. It sent a chill down my spine.

  2. "In an emergency, especially a terror attack, ( Even at Columbine and the Virginia Tech shootings.), citizens need to be about to communicate, since the police and state will be as useless and hidebound as ever."

    Why do you think we have the senseless shootings in schools today compared to when I attended school and college. I graduated from high school in 1974 and we did not have these problems then. And cell phones certainly were not required in school.

    The only thing I can remember was Charles Whitman's attack on Texas University in 1966.

    So what do we have to do to make it like it was back then? Looks to me like that's what we need to figure out instead of the debate over cell phones.
