Thursday, January 15, 2009

Deer and Raccoons

  This is a flash photo by the Moultrie gamecam.  The duration is about 1000 of a second.  In the actual deer/coon experience they are in the dark guided by smell, hearing and a very little bit of visual information.  I'm sure they wonder exactly where each other are.  See the ears focusing on both sides?  
  Raccoons are tough, well-armed, formidable opponents.  Both species are interested in the corn.  The cams show deer using their front hooves to chop at the coons and bared teeth on the other side.  They rarely seem to be co-existing with much good will.


  1. LOOK how big those eyes in center distance are!

  2. I'd like to see more of the fighting pictures. I didn't think does fought at all, they are built to run and hide.

  3. Okay. Best picture yet I think, even including the bobcat one from last year.

    :) Debi

  4. I'm being a little silly using the term "good will" here. They aren't methodists. Wanted to make the point that what we see at night with the cam flash isn't what the deer and coons are experiencing.
