Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

  Ho, Ho, Ho.  Deer from two years ago.  I used this for my Christmas card image.  Mixed results.  Some folks just have a hard time getting into the holiday spirit I guess.


  1. Nice!! Now if those bulbs generated enough heat, they'd be able to cook the deer on the deer-lifter-upper-thingy.

  2. Merry Christmas and maybe if you couldn't see the guts it would have gone over better. . . Just a thought. . .

  3. second thought, at least his nose is not glowing red. . . .

  4. Hey, the insides were already safely hung by the chimney with care....

  5. LOL! Outstanding! You are a man after my own heart.

  6. Since I'm the only other person who saw this thing in quasi-darkness, I gotta say it was pretty funny! And I got out of bed to see it. Still pretty funny.

    I do admit, however, to not walking up real close to get a better view.

    :) Debi
