Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gun Show ammo panic: The Obamapalooza!

  National Ammo Day continues into it's third week.  Folks lined up in a double line- about 40 strong, getting into the gun show at Tyler around 10:00 this morning.  Folks coming out confirm- it's just a few vendors, not worth the 7 buck entry fee.  Gun Show organizers threw this one together to capitalize on the Obamapalooza.  I came home. 

  Going to Clarksville to shoot does.  Packing my Ruger #1 7X57  but also my newly C-stocked 1903A3.  That's the ticket.  A box of Lake City 30-06 ammo from 1969 and an obsolete 65 year old bolt gun! (Hell, I was THERE!)

  Killed a doe with this dinosaur last year, but nothing like re-runs.  New front blade, new stock, new attitude.  That's hope and change, right there!


  1. Robert,

    You know any guy who sells military stuff and reloading near Winolla? Well today, after that failure of a gunshow I went there with a friend. National Match .30-06, match 168gr slugs, and a 250 round tin of .30-06 ammo in 5 round strippers. No I didn't get that stuff (got others) but he still has them! Just in case you want any.

  2. Winona? I would be interested in hearing the price. Got a way to get in touch with him?

  3. Lone Star Trading Co.

    Terry Batsell 877-3088. I think he knows you.
