Monday, October 27, 2008

TSRA Service Rifle Championship

  I didn't win it, but I got to see it won up close as Rick Crawford shot his way to the title on my firing point.  Quite a privilege.  100 shooters plus or minus a few.  Perfect weather with very little wind.  I made the Governors 20 (top 20 shooters in the Championship), and shot well in spots.  Team Blackfork won the State 4-Man Championship.  The EIC/LEG match gave seven LEGs with nearly 70 non-distinguished shooters.  Greg Foster won it overall, and got ten points.  Katie Foster his daughter got six points.  Dave Watters from Australia legged out and won his Distinguished Rifleman's Badge, along with Blake Smith and Sam Miller.
  Big junior team.  Jose Niera brought his daughter who he is always talking about but we hadn't seen before.  She had a great time.
  Nothing like being among these armed and competent people.

1 comment:

  1. Well Done.

    Armed and competent. Nothing better than that combination.

