Monday, October 6, 2008

Panola County Gun Club Championship, 2008

 The 2008 Championship video from the Oct 4 match.  Notice how polite and happy these heavily armed and competent people are.  Shocking.  I thought assault rifles were supposed to drive folks mad with hostility and anger.
  Zero Viewers so far.  Be the first!

  Update I:  Sorry, wrong video linked, or another added later.  The Krag shooting is for Griff Murphey so his kids can watch him shoot his old rifle.  The Panola Club Championship is the next one.

  Cranking out these videos.  I have two more Camp Perry famous Distinguished Riflemen that I haven't even put in the editor yet.

Update II:  I'm Uncle-anched!  Really, it's not as painful as it sounds!  I've been determined to get some educational and informative realistic shooting videos out on Youtube.  It's working.

Update III: If you come over on a Uncle or Snowflake-alanche, gird up your loins, drive your ox and haul your ass over to Youtube to check out the rest of the videos on the Blackfork6 Channel.  Description?  Gunsgunsgunsgunsgunsgunsgunsguns.  Shootshootshootshootshootshootshootshoot.


  1. Robert,

    They need to be running and gunning, not cleanign a Krag. I'm sorry but that's not all the exciting.

    How about getting the Swedish bikini team to go to Camp Perry.

    That will bring up the views alot!

  2. Some run and gun, some clean their Krags between strings. I put this up for Griff's kids who hadn't seen him shoot his old rifle.

  3. Very nice. Good editing too. Too bad you didnt catch me crossfiring at 200 yds. and trying not to look too guilty after I realized what I'd done. On the other hand if you did catch it that was some really GREAT editing taking that out.
