Saturday, October 4, 2008

Every Day a Novel

  The Kid couldn't be pried out of his house this morning at 6:00am to go the the Panola County Gun Club Championship so I went alone....well, me and his stuff, already loaded.  

  It's 72 miles from my driveway to the 200 yardline at the range.  Takes about 1:15 drive time, two cinnamon rolls and a cup of coffee from the Filipinos at Shipleys Donuts.  The girls were reading periodicals this morning.  

  I made a nice video that is sitting in the imovie editor and had a satisfying time with the folks on the range and my rifle.  About 40 folks signed up.  I shot a 193X3 offhand, which included a 95 on the first string and a 98 on the second.  Betsy the AR-15 was really shooting.  Light was overcast and perfect and I appreciated the comfortable weather for human beings outside in Texas.  Most of the year here, the weather is perfect.

  199X7 sitting rapid, 195X5 prone rapid at 300 and then spoiled a nice score with a 190X1 at 600.  I shot a perfect donut around the X ring, mostly tens but with a few nines and a couple of strange eights hanging out.  The bullets would go anywhere but in the center.  I'm going to try them seated OUT a little further but I am starting to think about changing to a different batch of 80 grain Sierras.  The 80s come in 500 count boxes and the troubles started about when I started this box, come to think of it.

  Finished at 777X16.  Mike Carter won the club championship for the third or fourth time with a 788X32 shooting his match rifle.

  Katye Foster shot a 775, her personal best, and cleaned one string at 200 sitting rapid.  The first time she has ever cleaned a 200 rapid.  She's getting better, quickly.  So much better so quickly that I made sure she was on my team for the State Service Rifle Championship later this month.

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