Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Distinguished Riflemen at Camp Swift

  This isn't all of them, just the ones we had on hand at the end of the LEG match Sunday.  Dave Watters, an Aussie is in the Yellow shirt on the bottom row.  He legged out at this match.  He might be the first Austrailian ever to win a Distinguished Rifleman's Badge.

  Starting with the oldest badge, upper left:

Ltc Don Tryce  (double distinguished, rifle and pistol).
Rick Crawford, TSRA Service Rifle Director.
Some guy I don't recognize.
Michelle Boyd.
Dave Wilson, TSRA Service Rifle Director and match director for this match.
Jose Niera from Laredo.
Someone I don't recognize.
Glenn Edgard from Houston.
Sgt Rick Tanner
Robert Langham from Tyler.
Keith Stephens
Blake Smith, who legged out at this match.

Lower Row:

Clint Greenwood.
Alan Wilson from Plano.
Rol Coggins
Ken Stracener, who legged out at Camp Perry this year.
Walt Haley, from Houston who also legged out at Camp Perry.
Dave Watters, Aussie, just legged out here.
Sam Miller.

  We are missing Paul Leberge, Charlie Wallis, Justin Utley, Cris Green, Bill Aten and Stan Jaroz.

  There are many Distinguished Riflemen in Texas.

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