Sunday, October 12, 2008

Daily Deercam

  Big deer crossing the creek going both ways.  I went over and moved a cam to the original scrape where I had a cam stolen.  Maybe the kids are in school and this one will stay on the tree.  Hot scrape going over there.
  Scrapes all over the corner of the pasture and woods edge on the bluff at the other cam.
  Only interesting photo from old reliable Moultrie was the image above.  The twin fawns are STILL nursing.  Some buck will run them off when she goes into rut.  Middle of October, still nursing.  She LOOKED like she was still nursing, but I hadn't seen it.
  This is a good mom.  Very successful deer to get two fawns this big without being run down.  She must not be nursing them much.
  Nothing like deercams.

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