Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"They were confused by my excellence."

  That's a quote from "Confederacy of Dunces".  It applies.
  In the last couple news cycles Obama has:

1.  Destroyed himself on O'Reilly by yakking away about everything and nothing.

2.  Called himself a muslim with George Stenopholas.

3. Explained the 2nd Amendment to Union workers.

4.  Explained what the founders intended guns to be used for.

5.  Called Sarah Palin a pig.

  Meanwhile, in contrast, Palin and McCain stop the bus so Sarah can hug a Downs kid.

  He's going to have to campaign hard in all 57 states to overcome his own mouth.

Update:  Biden can help!

Update II: A LOT!

1 comment:

  1. Confederacy of Dunces is one of the funniest books of all time. I laugh out loud everytime I re-read it.

    BO is running out of magic tricks.
    I'm actually going to vote for Palin and the Old white guy now.

    Ratcatcher 55
