Monday, September 8, 2008

Piper Palin and Trig Hair Issues

  I don't think I'm going to get any traction with the Bigfoot as Trig's Dad meme, but that's the way it goes. 

 On the other hand I thought this was the video moment of the campaign so far.  Not everyone agrees.   The folks who don't agree are....uh huh....the liberal media.  I'm shocked!

  Well.  Normal life isn't for everyone.

  If I was going to a Palin rally (not that we are going to see her in Texas), I would have a sign that says "I (heart) Trig."  I'm glad he's around with a family to take care of him.

  She's in Alaska seeing her son off to Iraq.  God Bless all the troops.

Update:  Who has the hair trigger?  Trig?  Piper?

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