Saturday, September 6, 2008


  Offhand is basically a game of concentration: Can you focus on the basics, shot after shot for 20 minutes, never looking ahead or behind?  The answer: Mostly.  190X4.
  Sitting at 200 I shot a personal best.  I don't really know how or why. Everything looked good and I concentrated on keeping the trigger moving.  I had to relax my front arm over and over. 200X13.  Two strings of ten shots in 60 seconds with a magazine change.  100X8 and 100X5.
  300 rapid was adequate: 98X3 and 99X5.  Total: 197X8.
  Then 600.  I shot EIGHT Xs out of 20 shots but only one 10.  Most of the rest were in a small group at 8:00 on the nine/eight ring.  I ruined a good day shooting with a 184X8.  
  I think some of the bullets were touching the lands and some jumping free.  Probably need to seat them all a little deeper.  80 shot match.  200, 300, 600 yards.  771X30.  Lotta Xs. 
  Update:  I've got a Stoney Point Overall Length Gauge.  Useless.  You can't feel when the bullet ogive  is touching the lands and I get wildly divergent measurements using a Sierra 80.  Alan is going to check it with his.  Supposed to be 2.42 inches.  I'm going to try setting them at 2.40 or shorter.  Everything short is working so it's a problem with the 80 Sierras.
  Haven't cleaned the rifle since before th National Matches.  Going to clean it right now for Alan's.  Going up to count deer tonight.

Update:  Explanation of the score in comments.  Funny what you remember- I noticed how happy my feet were shooting prone at 600.  Really had good position, especially those happy feet!

Update II: Alan used his bent Stoney Point OAL gauge on my chamber.  Looks like I am loading long which would make some touch and some not.  I'm going 2.42 and pushing the bullet into the lands never got that long.  2.40 max.  Going to set them back and try a little more jump.


  1. Please help a novice...
    190X4. What does that mean?
    Thank you

  2. Basically each shot can have a maximum value of 10 points. A 190 means that the average shot value was 9.5 *two strings of 10 shots*.

    The X-ring is one half of the size of the 10 ring. It is the same value (10 points) as the rest of the 10 ring and is used as a tie breaker in case of identical scores. The 10 ring is 1 minute of angle or 1 inch at 100 yds, 3 inches at 300 yd. and 6 inches at 600 yds. At 600 yds the X-ring is 3 inches in diameter or smaller than the end of a 1 lb. coffee can turned edgewise to you.

    Most anyone would really, really be happy with a 190 since that means in each string you almost shot a perfect score (called a "clean" meaning nothing but x's and 10's). However Blackfork's classification is high master. His average is 97% or higher from 200 to 600 yds. His is a higher standard than most high power shooters.

  3. Sorry. It's an 80 shot match. 800 is a perfect score. So I leaked points like crazy, losing 29 points. Mostly at 600 where I dropped 16.
    Dropped 10 shooting offhand at 200.
    Perfect at 200 sitting rapid fire with lots of Xs 200X13
    197X8 at 300 prone rapid.
    184X8 at 600 yards slow fire prone.
    771X30 total score.

    600 SHOULD have been 194 or higher.
