Saturday, September 13, 2008

Killing Ike

  Maybe it's the dude below who was writhing in front of a TV babette over his failure to follow "official instructions".  Maybe it was the dancing Bigfoot on the Galveston seawall.  Maybe it was just cabin fever or the feeling of being remiss in my duties as a Texan and a he-man manly man.  Or maybe it was the crime-fighting superheroness of the redhead in her waterproof boots.  Whatever it was, I was overcome with the sensation of "Fuck You, Ike" and went out to "Jeff Cooper" Western Civilizations way out of this environmental event.  Screw the internet.  Screw the updates.  Screw the national radars and satellites.  I went out and SHOT the damn thing in the eye as it came by.
  Ike is now a tropical depression.  Co-incidence?  I don't think so.

  "There ain't many problems a man can't fix with 700.00 and a 30-06."  Col. Jeff Cooper.


  1. You didnt make one of those warbling yodels like the Kuwaitis did when the U.S. liberated their country from Saddam the first time did you?

  2. Nope. i did the Native Texan thing. Shot, then spit.

  3. Up here in the great white, cold, and snowy, liberal North we try that with blizzards.

    L. Long

  4. I was overcome with the same sentiment when I posted this;
