Monday, September 29, 2008

Doc Range

  What else could someone named RANGE do for fun but shoot.  He's 87 I think.  He brought the kids, most of whom are in their 60s.  His grandson was along.  He's in his 40s.  

  His cane hangs in a notch cut in the side of his shooting table.  

  Doc Range, ( a veternarian from West, Texas),  has shot competitively for....fifty years or more.  We had a couple of old guys, including one with a Camp Perry, 1972 patch on his jacket.  1972 was 36 years ago.  I think Doc Range mentioned something about a match in 1952.

  Update:  Dr. Loyd Sneed from the TAMU affiliated Diagnostic Testing Lab came down to shoot his 270 bolt gun off a bench at 200 yards and got to meet Dr Range who knew everyone Loyd ever heard of in the Vet business.


  1. That's a goal for us all.

    How is his hearing?


  2. Looks like our photographer was forward of the firing line. Safety violation. DQ.
