Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Daily Deercam

  That's it.  I'm moving the across-the-creek-cam.  The rains had the creek full and I log-walked over the torrent.  Good balance, especially with all the stuff but on the far side a very understanding young cottonmouth had to frantically whip away from underneath the exposed roots I was climbing on.  Two warnings.  Enough.  I'm moving the cam next trip to the end of the indian village.  Jumped a deer down there last trip.  Jumped two or more today, some went left and some went right in the brush.
  Nothing across the creek- it was card and battery-less, but they ate the corn.  They have found it.  Hate to give it up, but..enough.  It's currently running well.
  Five coons on the other cam.  Combat Operations: resumed.
  And the coons spun the cam.  I got to see the first buck, a little button buck born last spring on the cam.  Not much, he probably doesn't even know he's a guy yet, but it's a start.

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