Thursday, September 4, 2008

Daily Deercam

  Digital files of three coons.  All adults.  They are on the bubble of having the cease-fire lifted, the Nazis!  One doe and her fawn on cam, the other resident doe and her two fawns also.  Spots fading on the youngsters.  Nothing across the creek except over-exposed files.  Corn had been worked but it was a long walk for nothing.  Lots of very fresh sign everywhere as Gustav reset all the sand for fresh footprints.  Several big dead pines felled by the wind.  Had to move the trail across the deep creekbottom.
  Mosquitos trailed me the whole way, but the weather has broken.  64 degrees this morning.
  I added a little deer attractant, something I haven't used before, to the corn at both cams.  6.99 at the feed store.  Smells like some sugary-salt mix.  Didn't taste it.  Yet.
  Not one antler in velvet or not since the first of the year.  Crazy.

Update:  You can see the difference in the facial structure of a young deer and an adult doe in this photo.  She's almost got these fawns up and going.  Another two months and they will look like adults.  She's a good mom.  Still nursing.  Raised twins and is in good shape herself.  Rut starts in about a month and a half.  Bucks will probably run the youngsters off but they will stay close as they can.  She may start running and lose them for a while.  They will probably get back together for a while after she is bred.
  I'd love to know exactly how old this doe is.  She's over 2 and less than 8 I would think.  Very successful and experienced mom.  

1 comment:

  1. Dont taste the deer attractant. Check the label. If I remember right some of them contain a very toxic (to humans) substance similar to etylene glycol (anti-freeze). Also be careful that you dont get any of the wind-borne powder in your eyes.
