Saturday, September 20, 2008

Daily Deercam: The First Buck of 2008

  And it's not a very good buck- a year and a half youngster with a deformed horn.  Across the creek.  Haven't moved the cam.  
  You can see the horn folded down along his cheekbone.
  I've had a couple of deer with this same spike down in front of their left ear.  One ought to be a huge buck by now if he is alive.  Didn't see him at all last year though he was on camera late into the spring of 2007   This could be damage during the velvet phase but it looks awfully familiar.  Usually fabulous genetics in this watershed.
  Doe and her two fawns on my side of Butler Creek.  For the first time, though the weather is very good and range conditions look perfect, they look thin.
  Huge acorn crop coming in a month.  Ike knocked off loaded twigfuls. 
  Big shepherd dog on cam.  Shoot on sight.

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