Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cats Don't Know About Weather

  The cat- our cat, who seems to be above average intelligence for a feline, wanted to go out yesterday evening.  Ten minutes later it was a downpour.  She couldn't be found though I took a good look in the likely dry places with flashlight, umbrella and rubber boots. 
  I was checking flooding next door- not looking for her.  She's an adult.
  A little after six this morning, in she came.  She was somewhere dry and the somewhere dry had fleas.  She was estatic to get in.  She's a friendly cat, very laid back and adaptable, but not needy. I've been working her over with the fleacomb pulling them out along with the extra fur and dirt.  It's very effective and just more hunting as far as I am concerned.  Six or seven in the trashcan next to the computer along with a handful of grey fur.  She's happy.  She'll probably sleep through the day now.
  Still raining.
  I notice that most folks don't know how to handle their cats.  I regularly go to someone's house and start working their cat, beating butt, scrubbing head, working ears.  The cats freak out...but they can't stay away.  You would be surprised at what cats actually like.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I was shocked to discover my cat louie is a bit of a masochist. He loves a good spanking...
