Saturday, August 23, 2008

Maine Beaches and Roads

  The last fling of summer, (Camp Perry counting as flung, I guess).  We braved the debasement of the TSA and flew to Maine to get a heat break and burn off some AAdvantage Miles.  Few into Logan where the 9/11 guys boarded and drove North.  
  Hard for Texan to get used to water that doesn't stay put.  Tides can't seem to make up it's mind.  In, out, in out.  Just crazy.  Like a construction site that can't get settled.  Can't anything be DONE about this?
  Stayed the first night at an expensive B&B in the heart of Maine tourist country.  Beautiful beach.  I realized, looking out of the parking lot, that we were on location of the opening scene of Stephen Kings "The Stand."  That Mainer enough for you?
  Going walking today.  Bugs, birds, mud.  And that tide thing going on.  Scoring heavily on Lobsters, including a meal at Perry Longs Lobster pier in Surry, Maine where we are staying.  It wasn't any of my business but I had Vera Perry show me the difference between the males and females.  Reading: "Secrets of the Lobster" just to satisfy my naturalist appetite.
  Back next week when the money runs out.


  1. Okay, I'll fall for it, what exactly is the difference between male and female lobsters?

  2. What's "the diffference between male and female lobsters?"
    anonymos...pull down your pants and take a look.
    If you go North, look for Camden Maine, it's a beautiful example of a Maine coastal town.
    By the way, the people in Maine are a lot like Canadians. Aye!

  3. OK, they piss frontwards, out their heads, both of them, into each others faces. They pass sperm back and forth in packets like research assistants. The women store sperm until needed, like....well. Trophy wives or something. The males watch Nfl, the women like the shopping channel.
    I confess, I don't understand it. Their was a physical difference, but not more than you would notice walking around the men's locker room.
    I recommend: The Secret Life of Lobsters.

  4. OK, they piss frontwards, out their heads, both of them, into each others faces. They pass sperm back and forth in packets like research assistants. The women store sperm until needed, like....well. Trophy wives or something. The males watch Nfl, the women like the shopping channel.
    I confess, I don't understand it. Their was a physical difference, but not more than you would notice walking around the men's locker room.
    I recommend: The Secret Life of Lobsters.
